Potential issues for mobile surveys

This topic outlines potential issues for mobile surveys; keep them in mind as you author your survey.

Line breaks and older BlackBerry models

If the question text contains formatting (such as bolding, italicizing, or underlining) and line breaks, and you enabled mobile for your survey, the line breaks in the question text may not render properly on older BlackBerry models. This issue occurs because older BlackBerry models cannot interpret the default HTML tags inserted into question text.

For example, if you apply bolding to the word "Categories" and enter a line break before and after, the default HTML looks like this:


Note that in the example above, the <BR> tag is inside the bold tags <STRONG></STRONG>. <BR> should be outside of <STRONG></STRONG> in order for line breaks to display properly on older BlackBerry models. To resolve the issue, open the question text in HTML view and move the <BR> tag, so that it is outside of the formatting tags:


In general though, it is strongly recommended that you avoid rich text and line break changes if possible. For more information, see Mobile surveys: Best practices.