Create a Convert to Numbers recode in modern reports

Use the Convert to Numbers recode to map choice and ratings questions to numeric values.


Open the modern report.

Using the Convert to Numbers recode, you can assign a number to each answer. When you add a convert to numbers recode field to your report, it is added as a Number tile, which enables you to calculate statistics, such as the average, median, and standard deviation for the recoded field. This type of recode can be used to convert the values and calculate statistics for Likert scales (e.g. Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very Satisfied) and CSAT scores.

  1. On the report toolbar, click Recodes.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. To add your first recode, click New Recode in the center of the Editor.
    2. To add additional recodes, click Add Field(s) in the top right of the Editor.
  3. In the Choose the Type of Recode page, select Convert to Numbers.
    The following question types are supported by the Convert to Numbers recode:
    • Single Choice
    • Single Choice Grid
    • Multiple Choice
    • Multiple Choice Grid
    • Rating
  4. In the Set the Recode Rule page, enter the following information about the recode:
    • Recode Name: The display name for the recode in the report.
    • Recode Description: Optional. A description of the recode, such as the purpose.
    • Based On: The field to base the recode on. You can choose from survey questions, response data, and profile variables.
  5. Adjust the assigned recode numbers, as necessary.
    You can change the numbers for individual answers, or click Reverse Numbers to reorder all of the answers.
  6. If you want to add a tile for the recode to your report, select the Automatically add a new data tile using this recode checkbox.
    The new data tile is automatically added to the bottom of your report when you create the recode.
  7. Click Done.