Export a modern report summary to Excel

Export your report data as an XLSX spreadsheet and view the results in Excel. The Excel export presents an overview of the survey results by summarizing each question in a data table.


Ensure that your report is displaying the appropriate data before you export the report. For example, verify that the correct filters are applied and the required banners are included.

The report is exported as an Excel Workbook (.XLSX) file.

  1. Open the modern report.
  2. On the report toolbar click Export > Excel (.xlsx).
    Result: The Exporting Data dialog box is displayed while the export file is created and downloaded. You must wait for the download to complete.
  3. When the download is complete, you can open the file from your web browser or from the folder where it is saved.

The exported file contains a worksheet with a summary view of the report including banners and nested banners applied to the report.

The summary view includes summary tables for crosstabs, Net Promoter Score℠1 values, sentiment analysis, and TURF analysis.

When you export a report that contains questions with sentiment analysis, separate crosstab tables are included for Positive, Negative, Neutral, and All responses.

The export does not contain any text data from other/specify questions, original responses for open end questions, or follow-up responses for NPS® questions. All of these text responses can only be viewed in the online version of the report.

For example, the exported information for a NPS® question includes the quantitative data, but does not include the follow-up responses. If the Sentiment Analysis tab was enabled for this question, additional tables with the results of the sentiment analysis would also be included.

1 Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.