Create a confirmation reminder

Remind participants who have completed a recruitment survey to confirm their membership.

Note: You must be an Admin, or a Power User with the Can access recruitment surveys permission, to complete each of the tasks required to create a confirmation reminder.

Create the reminder

Provide an internal name for the confirmation reminder and assign it to a Community.

  1. Open the Community app and click the Recruit tab.
  2. Hover your mouse over the recruitment survey to add the confirmation reminder to and select Distribute from the Action menu.
  3. On the left menu, click Confirmations.
  4. Click New Confirmation Reminder.
    Result: The Create New Confirmation Reminder dialog appears.
  5. In the Name field, type an internal name for the reminder.
  6. From the Assign to a Community list, select Community.
    This step applies to customers with multiple communities.
  7. Click Create.
    Result: The Message tab appears.

Compose the email

Write the body of the reminder. You can also save the reminder as a template.

  1. Optional: Load an email template.
  2. In the Subject field, type the email subject.
  3. In the text field, write and format the body of the email.
    For more information, see Edit the email body.
  4. Optional: Insert a confirmation link.
    Confirmation links are already in the default text. However, if you delete the default text, you must insert a link to allow participants to confirm their membership easily.
    1. Click Insert Variable, and select Confirmation Link.
    2. Optional: Add link text.

      You can only edit link text in HTML view. On the Message Editor toolbar, click Source. Add <a></a> tags around [%ConfirmationLink%].


      <a href="[%ConfirmationLink%]">click here</a>

  5. Optional: In the Email Footer area, click Edit to edit the email footer.
    Result: Changes to the email footer are applied to all future messages for the specific Community.
  6. Optional: Click Test Email to view the reminder from the recipient's perspective.
  7. Optional: Save the email body as a template.

Review the number of recipients

Confirmation reminders are sent to emails with a Participation status of Completed, but not confirmed.

  1. Click the Recipients tab.
  2. In the Community area, ensure you selected the correct Community at the time the confirmation was created.
    This step applies to customers with multiple communities.
  3. Optional: Beside Total Eligible Recipients, click Refresh member count.
    Note: If the recruitment link closes before nonmembers can double opt-in to the Community, these nonmembers will not receive a confirmation reminder. To send them a confirmation reminder, reopen the activity link.

Schedule the reminder

You have the option of sending the reminder immediately or selecting a date and time in the future.

  1. Click the Schedule tab.
  2. Optional: Click Test Email to view the invitation from the member's perspective.
  3. In the Send Date area, select when to send the reminder.
    • Now: Sends the reminder upon confirmation.
    • Later: Opens a calendar to select a date and time in the future.
    Note: You need to click Review and Send to send the invitation now or later.

Review and send the reminder

Review the details in the confirmation summary before sending the reminder to members.

  1. In the Schedule tab, click Review and Send.
    Result: The Confirm Communication dialog appears. If there are any errors in the communication, they will be displayed here and you will be prevented from sending.
  2. Click Send Now or Schedule Send.
  3. If you added a schedule to the invitation, look for these indications that your reminder was scheduled successfully:
    • A green notification message appears above the email and below the toolbar.

    • On the Distribution > Confirmations page, the email's status appears as Scheduled and the date and time of send appears under the Schedule column
    • The Activity Status changes to Open, if it was Pending before the email was scheduled.

    For more information, see Scheduling.