Survey Builder
The Survey Builder contains all the tools you need to create your survey. Use the Survey Builder to create questions, set conditional survey logic, and prepare your survey for distribution.
To view the Survey Builder, in the Surveys app, open a survey and go to the Build page.
Activity toolbar
Use the activity toolbar to navigate between the activity's pages.
- Click Build to create questions author the survey. For more information, see Create questions.
- Click Distribute to create invitations and survey links. For more information, see Distribution.
- Click Monitor to view participation information about the survey.
- Click Report to create reports. For more information, see Report.
Click the arrow on the left-hand side to return to the Activities list.
Survey objects
A survey object is any question, survey action, or page element in the survey toolbox. You can add a survey object to your survey by clicking it or dragging it to the Table of Contents.
Use the objects in the Questions area to pose questions to participants. For more information see, Create questions.
Use the objects in the Page Elements area to add text instructions, images, and multimedia to your survey. You can also place related questions on a single page. For more information, see Page elements.
Use the objects in the Survey Actions area to create survey logic conditions, update profile variables, and add an endpoint to your survey. You can also use groups to create branches in your survey and manage their survey logic together. For more information, see Survey actions.
Build toolbar
Use the Build toolbar to change the survey name, preview your survey from the beginning, or print your survey to view the survey logic and question properties. Click Properties to enable the Back button on all the pages of your survey, or to show the survey progress bar to participants. Click Undo or Redo to undo or redo your last change.
Editor and Translations workspaces
For customers who have multiple communities with different locales, the Build page is separated into Editor and Translations workspaces. The Editor workspace lets you build your survey in the default locale first and ensure the survey content and logic are correct.
Then, in the Translations workspace, you can:
- Add locales to translate your survey into
- Switch locales and enter the translated text for each survey version
- Batch import and export translations
Template Library
Save questions, page elements, and survey actions as templates for future surveys by right-clicking the survey object in the Table of Contents, and then selecting Save as Template. To view the templates you have saved, in the right-hand pane, click Templates.
For more information, see Template Library.
Quotas tab
A quota is a limit on how many participants can complete a survey, or complete specific questions or sections in a survey. Use the Quotas tab to create and manage quotas for the survey, and then add quotas to survey by referring to them in Survey Logic actions. For more information, see Quotas.