Create a Video Feedback question

Ask participants to record and upload a video response. This question type leverages Voxpopme functionality to record, store, organize, analyze, and share video responses.

Sample modern view:

Sample classic desktop view:

Sample classic mobile view:

  • A survey can have multiple Video Feedback questions. However, there can only be one Video Feedback question per survey page. Having more than one Video Feedback question per survey page can cause issues with participants successfully recording and uploading responses for each question.
  • Unsupported browsers will allow participants to use their device's camera and a file uploader, instead of showing the capture widget in the question. For detailed information about browser support, see Capture Widget Browser support.
  • Hebrew, Tagalog, and Vietnamese are not supported.
  • The sensitive data purge functionality does not purge Video Feedback responses. To request deletion of specific Video Feedback responses, please contact your Account Representative.
  • This feature is available at an additional cost. For more information, please contact your Account Representative.
  1. From the Survey Builder Toolbox, under Questions, do one of the following:
    • Drag the Video Feedback question to the Table of Contents.
    • Click the Video Feedback question.
  2. In the Table of Contents, click the Video Feedback question.
    Result: The Edit Pane appears.
  3. Optional: Edit the Question name.

    Question names:

    • Should be unique.
    • Can contain symbols and all alphanumeric characters.
    • Are not displayed to participants.
  4. In the Question text field, enter the question text.
    Note: The recommended character limit is 2500.
  5. Set the minimum and maximum response length in seconds.
    The maximum video response length is 3600 seconds.
    Tip: Set a low minimum response length (for example, 15 seconds). This is a good guideline for two reasons:
    • If you set the minimum response length to something high (for example, 60 seconds), participants who do not have much to say cannot stop the recording before the one minute mark. This creates a poor participant experience, resulting in lower participation rates and higher bounce rates.
    • A low minimum response length ensures that you are optimizing the value of your usage minutes. When tracking usage, responses are rounded up to the closest minute. Minutes are also charged as soon as the first second of the next minute accrues. This means that a 30-second recording is charged as one minute, and a 61-second recording is charged as 2 minutes.
  6. Once you have authored your question, you can also:
  7. To preview and test the question, click Distribute and create a test activity link.
Important: When you are previewing and testing the Video Feedback question, you must say "This is a test response" explicitly in English. Otherwise, the test video undergoes the response handling process and is submitted for approval and transcribed, and will count towards your video usage. If you say "This is a test response" in the recording, the test video responses (responses created through the survey preview or a test activity link) do not undergo the approval process, and are not counted towards the overall video usage.