
Use widgets to add engaging content to your community's portal quickly and easily.

  • This content applies to new customers who do not have Member Hubs. Upgraded customers use Member Hubs or continue to use the portal setup from Sparq 1.
  • Alida is redesigning the member portals to provide a better admin and member experience. For more information about phase one of the redesign, see Portals.
For example, you can:
  • Add a welcome message.
  • Ask a Single Choice question.
  • Share results from a question in a recent survey.
  • Inform your community members if you used their feedback to make any recent decisions.
  • Showcase interesting trivia facts.
  • Profile a "member of the month".
  • Highlight member contributions and show your appreciation.
  • Add visual interest to your portal through videos and images.
  • Embed social media pages.

Quick poll widget

A quick poll is an easy way to increase member engagement and collect data for individual questions. This widget type displays a Single Choice question. After a member selects an answer, the quick poll displays a bar chart of responses so far.


Question view:

Results view:

Activity widget

Members will see individual activity widgets for each activity that they have been invited to. Members can click the activity name to launch the activity. Activity widgets disappear when a member completes the activity or when an activity closes.


When members have an open activity:

When members have no open activities:

Text widget

A text widget displays a title and custom text.


Image widget

An image widget displays a resized image in the content box.


Text and image widget

A text and image widget displays a title, an image, and custom text.


Video widget

A video widget displays a title, a YouTube video, and custom text. Members can click the video still to play the video in an embedded player.


Social media widget

Add your social media feeds to keep your portal content fresh and provide members with real-time updates. A social media widget displays your Facebook or Twitter feeds.


How widgets are displayed

Portal content is displayed as a series of widgets in a 3-column layout. You can display as many widgets as you like on the portal home page.
Note: By default you can display up to 50 widgets. To add more widgets to the portal home page, contact your Account Representative.
Widgets have the following dimensions:
Dimension Description
Width 320 pixels
Height Adjusts to fit the content

The widgets appear in the order in which they are listed in the Widgets pane. The following image describes how widgets are displayed on the portal home page.

On mobile phones, the widgets are stacked in a single scrollable column, in sequence.

Widgets: Best practices

When adding widgets to the portal home page, keep the following considerations in mind:
  • You can add as many widgets as you like. However, having too many widgets on the portal home page may lead to information overload.
  • Using widgets for long-form content increases the amount of scrolling for members. If necessary separate long-form content into multiple widgets.
  • Add a message to the top of the portal home page to welcome members. For more information, see Add a portal welcome message.